LeoParking – parking areas operated by LCE "Lvivavtodor".
Convenient, comfortable parking in Lviv at affordable prices.
Pay for parking hourly via Privat24, EasyPay and UNIP appsapps, or buy a subscription and save on parking fees on a daily basis!
LeoParking has a total of:
- 120 designated paid parking lots, located within the carriageway or road
- 2 specially equipped off-street parking lots located outside the carriageway of a street or road;
- 2 parking lots for tourist vehicles;
- 2 long-term parking areas for vehicles.
*All parking lots are equipped in accordance with the following requirements:
Rules for Parking Vehicles (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1342 dated December 3, 2009)
Traffic Rules (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1306 dated October 10, 2001 as amended and supplemented by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)
List of parking lots and tariff policy:
Buy a subscription via the UNIP or Privat24 app and save on parking fees every day!
One-month or daily subscriptions – it's up to you to choose!

If you have any questions about LeoParking, operated by LCE “Lvivavtodor”, please call us:
Email us at: lvivavtodor@lvivcity.gov.ua
Or leave a request in the feedback form::
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